world war III


Since the end of Wolf Legal Publishers, it took considerable time and effort to restore this website.  During those years much, very much has changed for the worse in world politics.

We are now living through the Third World War since Putin invaded Ukraine. As I lived through the Second World War and belong to those who believed in and worked for an era of peace, European Unification and a better world legal order, this is particularly painful. 

World attention now  focussed on the Gaza War, Is very shortsighted. What is happening in Ukraine is far worse  to world peace, international law and state security. Even to the point that the UN Charter may well be thrown in the waste basket.after this war. Both of its two principles: sovereign equality of member states and peace  and security on the basis of  agreement among the permanent members of the UN Security Council have been mortally violated and abolished. For your information. a revealing interview from RFE/RL 

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Frans A.M. Alting von Geusau


  • Cultural Diplomacy: Waging war by other means?
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  • The Illusions of Détente,
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  • Western Cooperation
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  • Sporen van de Twintigste Eeuw
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  • European Unification into the twenty first Century...
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  • Neither Justice nor Order
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Footprints of the 20th Century

Footprints of the 20th Century - Third Edition


The peaceful collapse of the Soviet totalitarian, communist system has been a watershed of historic proportions in Europe and the world. In 1989, unexpectedly, Communism and the Cold War were behind us, they were bad and should be forgotten. The immediate post-1989 world presented itself as a new era of organised forgetting, as neither East nor West were interested in examining the prolonged period of acquiescence in absurdities.

Western Cooperation

Footprints of the 20th Century - Third Edition


For the study of international relations, knowledge of the history of Western Cooperation in the Twentieth Century is essential. The third volume reviews the broader history from America’s entry in the First World War in 1917 and the start of the American Era in international relations one hundred years ago, to the inauguration of President Trump in 2017.